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Weekend plans??? You can catch us manifesting MAGIC by celebrating the arrival of the first full moon of spring!! We teamed up with OKC local, Samantha Strothers, to get some insight on how we can harness some of the power from this weekend’s full moon that's happening on March 28th!


The Moon’s natural cycle provides us with the greatest lessons of not only astrology but of life in general: everything is cyclical, everything we need to know comes with time, and there’s a time + a place for everything we’re longing to create. 

Seems simple, right? Well, it can metaphorically be a really beautiful tale of darkness giving birth to pure potential, potential gaining momentum over time, a climax of clarity + realizations, a comedown of evaluation + acceptance, and the final slumber before the process inevitably begins again. Isn’t that comforting? To know that it always begins again? 

Now imagine that same metaphor above as your own goals + intentions + pursuits. You have a clean slate to project your intentions + dreams onto—New Moon. You begin to pursue said projections—Crescent Moon. You pivot + change course as obstacles arise and more information comes in—First Quarter. You integrate knowledge and push past boundaries in your way—Gibbous Moon. 

You hit a eureka! Moment of clarity—good or bad—that provides you with a new perspective on what you’ve been pursuing…or you receive said thing or clues + reinforcement for how to receive said thing—Full Moon. You ruminate in the feeling of loss or of triumph—Disseminating Moon. You debrief the situation, taking note of what went well and what could be better next time—Last Quarter. You package what you’ve learned and what you’d like to do next, resting on the process before beginning it all over again—Balsamic Moon.

See the parallels? And this metaphor is not something that’s only applicable to some major hero’s journey in your life. It’s even more applicable to your daily life than you might think, because that cycle takes the Moon only 28 days to complete.

What does the Full Moon teach us? In preparation for the Libra Full Moon this weekend, here’s a rundown on the pivotal climax of her 28-day cycle: 

The sign placement of the Full Moon will always be in the opposite zodiac sign of the Sun’s current placement—forming the aspect of opposition. The light of the Full Moon is the knowledge of the Sun filtered through a new perspective—not necessarily opposing view, just different. 

The Full Moon serves us the truth hidden within the intentions + goals we set at the New Moon from all angles of awareness—she remains objective, we may not be so diplomatic in receiving. The Full Moon doesn’t show us what we want, she shows us what is present. 

If what we want and what is present is in alignment, we’ll be pleased. If the Full Moon’s revelation is not what we had desired or intended, we may not be pleased—and, also—we now know what requires releasing on our way toward the next New Moon. 

From this vantage point, we are able to see that bigger picture. We must allow ourselves to feel however is natural + authentic to that moment and we will use the waning period of Lunation to release, to possibly grieve, and to rest. The cycle will begin anew, it always does.

The Libra Full Moon on March 28th, 2021 

The Libra Full Moon is forming an opposition to the Aries Sun—an indication of split energy, duality, a game of opposite zodiac signs competing for dominance. The emotional goal of an opposition is to find the balance between the dueling energies. 

The Aries Sun represents our initiative + autonomous self, while the Libra Moon represents our relationships to others + the idea of otherness within ourselves. Where do we exist between independence and partnership? 

Full Moons are a time for reception, finding clarity, and seeing the Sun’s light through a new perspective. Aries shines in our 1st House—the self, the ego, our Ascendant Sign. The Libra Moon rules our 7th House—our deep relationships + our Descendant Sign. 

The Sun’s lumination of who we believe ourselves to be is now filtered through the lens of what we deny or want within ourselves—Libra Full Moon.

This Full Moon is not initiating the conflict between independence + relationship, she is simply shedding new light on it. 

In terms of receiving + fulfilling our intentions and goals for this Lunation—the 28-day Moon Cycle—consider where autonomy and partnership grapple for your attention. Did you bootstrap things independently during this cycle and now find the harvest / projects would have benefitted from collaboration? Vice versa: Are you leaning too heavily on others in the pursuit of a goal/project due to the valid, though untrue, fear that you are not capable of creating your own magic? 

There is no guilt to be felt in the Moon’s full glow. She is asking us to perceive ourselves and our relationship to others in a new light. Full Moon rituals are most beneficial for reception and processing + embodiment of new information. Be open to revelations you may have around themes of independence and partnership in your life. Initiate reflection through a meditation, a salt bath, a journaling or creative session, yoga… whatever feels authentically immersive for you. 

Make note of all ideas + realizations + emotions coming in under this Full Moon without fear, judgement, or action. What we learn to accept under the Full Moon becomes what we are ready to modify, release, or improve under the next Full Moon. Until then, we embody and digest our insights.

We can't wait to put this all into action. Sending GRATITUDE AND GOOD VIBES to our gal, Sam, for enlightening us all with her full moon knowledge!

If you're interested in learning more from Sam, check out her website here 


We'd like to leave you with a fun project from our gal, Lizzie Watts, on how to manifest magic with charms!

Even after the full moon has come and gone, you can still keep some of the magic with you. A charm bag is simply a way of carrying some extra protection and power with you!

To make a charm bag, fill a small bag or sachet with some “charged” items. These charged items can include herbs, stones, charms, drops of essential oils, and crystals.

These charm bags can be as simple as a square of fabric tied together- we re-used a lil bag with the colors gold (wealth and protection), pink (love, friendship, healing), and purple (wisdom). Keep in mind that your container is part of the magic!


In our bag, we used:

Eucalyptus for clarity and purification of energy, Himalayan salt for protection our energy, and Lavender for soothing our energy. We also tossed in some of our crystals set with intentions we want to bring in. With our bay leaf, we wrote down our intention for this charm bag, then dropped in some essential oils.

Now you’re good to go! Toss your charm bag in your purse, set it by your bed, or even hang it on your rearview mirror and start experiencing some everyday magic!



Jun 08, 2021


Время когда читатель видит, что же хорошие ногти на ногах превратились ламаются, возникла желтинка, жжение, щели или другие признаки некрасивого типа – стоит обратить заботливость на такого типа ногтей, подобный свойства действительно представляет появление дерматомицета по верхней поверхности, тот что замечается большим неловкостью, в случае если игнорировать лечение этого заразы. Не включая грибка часто можно увидеть обнаружением неправильного корня ногтя или же боль кожи вокруг области ногтей, полностью всяческие заболевания ноготков имеют свойственные причины.
Такое имеет возможность стать обычная Vros-Nogot.Ru грязь либо безрассудство у общественных местах, там где можно поймать болезнью, впрочем различные вопросы разрешимы, в случае если надо понять и сделать направление точечного профилактики. Источник об заболевания пяток и пальцев также ногтевой поверхностью крем для удаления вросшего ногтя – ресурс, он вклюяается всяческие вопросы на счет заболеваниях ногтей плюс публикует интересными материалы, которые читатели имеют возможность использовать собственно как информацию собственно по заключению описанного проблемы. Еще что под всякой статьей пользователь может смотреть примечания плюс обратную связь от пользователей с этой предмете.

Jun 06, 2021

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